Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Here i am

In California. Good news my family thinks i am super funny, which is so good on my half mainly because it obviously proves that i can be funny. Although i am freakin weird its good to know people still love me. I got to open a present today from my oldest brother. I think fate came into play because we randomly reached in a bag and i pulled out a purse that matches my personality in every single way.
Spill Canvas captures their words so good i put, "the tide" on repeat nearly the whole trip here. The most wonderful day on earth is tomorrow and i am so excited. Me and my cousin are making a cake that says, 'happy birthday Jesus' ah the beauty of having family that is awesome. In other news i am an embarrasment to life right now. I have scratches all up the side of my face, scratches on my legs, and i havent worn make up since the last day of school(or straightened my hair)Hooray for long hair again.

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