Thursday, February 5, 2009

soaring, flying

Today i registered for next years classes. Freshman year flew by so quickly its like it never even began. As i was choosing my classes it got me thinking. I mean those are really the classes that i would be taking next year, no go backs. As excited as i am to be a sophomore i did not think that it would come so soon. I put a lot of thought into my classes and I hope that i made the right choice. It was also very sad to register because i registered with my newest best friend. I just met her this year and she told me that she is moving to California, so she wont be there with me next year. I never thought that one of my best friends would be moving especially since i just met her. I know I am in her same situation but she is actually leaving..for sure. I just wish that this year would go by so much slower than it is because it is going by in the blink of an eye.

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