Sunday, June 28, 2009


So today me and my mom had a talk for a good hour. It wasnt just like a normal 'how are you' talk. We talked about real things about my life, about my family everything. And during it she told me the biggest secret that my family has right now and she trusted me with it. We also talked about my brother. I told her that life would be so much simpilier for everyone if Landon was a girl. I said that we'd get along better and have the BFF bond that i have always wanted. And now that i am thinking about i wouldnt trade Landon for the world. Even though we constantly are fighting i know that one day in the future we will have the BFF bond that I want. We als0 talked about how my mom had a miscarrage. She had it after she had my sister and than 7 years later i came along. I strongly believe that i was the miscarriage and after a good 7 years i reformed and came into the earth. I feel like i was brought here to make my mom happy because 7 years after i was born my parents got divorced. I feel like these 7 year incriments mean something. Am i crazy?

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